Religious Freedom and the Media’s Big Lie

The Lords of Perception have you believing that birth control has something to do with religious freedom. Yet reality informs us otherwise. Every American Institution is entertaining the idea that your decisions concerning your sovereign being can interfere with another person’s religious freedom in some way. Again, reality informs us otherwise.

Perhaps it is easy for those who have never had their religious freedom impinged upon in any way, shape or form to wax philosophical about what it might be like if there was some form of impingement to one’s religious freedom. But to pass off one’s imagining of what lack of religious freedom could possibly be as what lack of religious freedom actually is, is an affront to all who have actually had their religious freedom taken away.

To look at the reality of what having one’s religious freedom actually taken away looks and feels like, Americans need to look at the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978.

American Indian religious freedom was outlawed in America until 1978. And what that looked like in the early 1970s was the FBI going onto reservations, harassing medicine people and pulling people out of sweat lodges. That is what actually having religious freedom taken away actually looks and feels like in the real world.

So the next time the bishops and Hobby Lobby owners of America want to wax philosophical about what lack of religious freedom really looks like, perhaps they should imagine their grandmother being pulled out of church on Sunday morning for the crime of practicing her religion.

Until anything like the magnitude of having one’s grandmother dragged out of her church on Sunday morning for the crime of practicing Christianity actually happens to the bishops and Hobby Lobby owners of America, it is time for them to shut the fuck up about religious freedom.

About Kira

Tall Hot Chick, intercultural clown, insurgent, poet, singer, water protector, land defender, grower of food and flowers.
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5 Responses to Religious Freedom and the Media’s Big Lie

  1. It’s all about selfishness and power and control.

  2. Pingback: Religious Freedom – The Battering Ram of Empire | Psychopaths In Charge

  3. Unpa Nunpa says:

    Enjoyed and agreed with the whole piece, but the last paragraph is killer. Thanks for posting what so many, way too many, are completely ignorant of.

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